I have some good news or great news rather! I passed all my modules with amazing grades. Way beyond my expectations and I'm so proud of myself. This year I will be completing part 2, the dissertation/thesis. I am so scared. Am I even capable of spewing out 100 pages of pure research? I know this is going to be a huge challenge and I need to stay organized if I want to stay ahead of the game. I'm planning to track my weekly word count and create a referencing log for my searches. I'll upload everything I create, perhaps it will help another disorganized soul out there.
For now, I have to write my thesis proposal and once that's approved things are going to get even more real. I want to graduate by next year June, which means I have roughly a year to complete my thesis. I think it's more than doable but I have to stay focused. Another goal I have is to do well, over 70% well. Also hoping some will publish me or I get to speak at a conference.
I'm definitely going to be posting my experiences and tips as I go along. I think it will be interesting to look back at this journey.
Just to let you know MOOCs is my topic. Well, my broad topic!
photo credit: Emmanuele Contini via photopin cc