My new job as a MOOCs assistant learning designer

12:52 Friday, 8 May 2015

I haven't really been blogging about my endeavors in educational technology, but I think it's a perfect time to start since I started my job as an assistant learning designer at the University of Cape Town two months ago. Since I'm completing my master's degree educational technology on the topic of MOOCs, my job serves as an extension of this field. When I arrived to my job, I happen to come at a pressing time, which was the week before UCT's first MOOC, Medicine and the Arts was about to start. My a few of my first tasks were to check transcripts and upload them to the platform, edit readings and assist with some of the social media. Since then I've been assigned two of my own courses where I'll be very involved in the learning design. It's been very interesting, stressful and all sorts of chaos because I'm still inexperienced. So far, it has been a great learning experience, with more responsibility than I'm used to. 

UCT's second MOOC, What is a Mind? with Professor Mark Solms as the lead educator is starting next week, 11 May. 

If you want to chat about MOOCs, find me on twitter.

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