The Journey Begins

15:31 Friday, 1 March 2013

This year I decided to pursue a postgraduate diploma in education in ICT at the University of Cape Town , which is also part 1 of masters if I decide to continue to 2nd year (assuming I pass the diploma with 60%).  I think the importance of the collaboration of technology and education in this forever changing technology driven society is undeniable. I have decided to blog my thoughts throughout the year, reflecting on required tasks and anything interesting I come across online.

On the 28 February the first pre-contact online meeting was held. It was the first time I experienced this – Listening to an audio lecture, viewing a PowerPoint lecture and chatting with other members all in real time. It was pretty cool, however getting an internet connection was a bit of a mission. Firstly my internet in general does not work (yes I HATE you Telkom) and there is pretty much nothing I can do about it. Then I attempted to use my CellC USB dongle which was barely working and extremely slow and the only reason I have it is because my internet does not work. Then I attempted to use the internet on my brothers’ pc with his USB and guess what? He didn’t have the latest Adobe Flash. Imagine my frustration! Finally I took his USB and it worked on my laptop. Talk about internet troubles!

The future of education is really exciting, especially for communities who are deprived of a working education system. I feel that education is KEY in building a community, especially a non-violent one (yes I know that it is bit of a stretch, but it is a realistic long term goal).  In South Africa, so many are denied of an education and it is so unfair. So the opportunities that can now exist because of technology are so awesome.

You can follow me on Twitter @tazekins , between all the complaints about my life you may find some interesting tweets/retweets.


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  1. I like the way you are open about yur real life" problems. And yes (as we saw in the course yesterday) technology is "human" like all of us (in the sense that it can fail :-) So any feelings about how technology (given its inequity and unreliability) can have a role in the education system you envisage? Cheryl


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